Maths Exam

1. Express the following ratios in their simplest forms:

1. Ratio 48 : 40
Correct Answer
2. Ratio: $$\frac{3}{10} : \frac{5}{9}$$
Correct Answer
3. Ratio 2.20 : 6.60
Correct Answer

2. Write the following as percentages

1. Number: 0.19
Correct Answer
19 %
2. Number: $$\frac{5}{3}$$
Correct Answer
167 %
3. Number: 1.7
Correct Answer
170 %

3. Write the following as a fraction

$$ 40.00 \%$$
Correct Answer

4. Logs

Solve the following for x: $$-6\ln\left(x\right) + \ln\left({\left(3x\right)}^{-2}\right) = \ln\left(x\right) + 6$$
Correct Answer
$$ x = {\left(9\exp\left(6\right)\right)}^{\frac{-1}{9}} $$

5. Powers

1. Please simplify the following expression: $$ {x}^{1}{x}^{4} $$
Correct Answer
$${x}^{5} $$
2. Please simplify the following expression: $$ {x}^{\frac{3}{2}}{x}^{\frac{1}{2}} $$
Correct Answer
$${x}^{\frac{3}{2}}{x}^{\frac{1}{2}} $$
3. Please simplify the following expression: $$ {\left({x}^{-5}\right)}^{-2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ {x}^{10} $$
4. Please simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{{\left({x}^{-1}\right)}^{4}{y}^{3}}{{y}^{2}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{y}{{x}^{4}} $$

6. Express the following ratios in their simplest forms:

1. Ratio 0.0200 : 0.0400
Correct Answer
2. Ratio: $$\frac{12}{7} : \frac{11}{8}$$
Correct Answer
3. Ratio 38.5 : 53.9
Correct Answer

7. Write the following as percentages

1. Number: 0.64
Correct Answer
64 %
2. Number: $$\frac{2}{3}$$
Correct Answer
66.7 %
3. Number: 1.8
Correct Answer
180 %

8. Write the following as a fraction

$$ 20.00 \%$$
Correct Answer

9. Logs

Solve the following for x: $$\ln\left({\left(5x\right)}^{-2}\right) + \ln\left({\left(5x\right)}^{-5}\right) = \ln\left(x\right) + -1$$
Correct Answer
$$ x = {\left(78125\exp\left(-1\right)\right)}^{\frac{-1}{8}} $$

10. Powers

1. Please simplify the following expression: $$ {x}^{-3}{x}^{3} $$
Correct Answer
$$1 $$
2. Please simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{{x}^{-2}}{{x}^{4}} $$
Correct Answer
$$\frac{1}{{x}^{6}} $$
3. Please simplify the following expression: $$ {\left({x}^{-3}\right)}^{-6} $$
Correct Answer
$$ {x}^{18} $$
4. Please simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{{\left({x}^{-1}\right)}^{4}{y}^{-5}}{{y}^{6}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{1}{{x}^{4}{y}^{11}} $$

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