Experimental Flying Game

Welcome to my experimental flying game.

Fly around and gather red spheres --- they increase your score.

If you crash, you have to start again.

It's multiplayer in that you can see other players and shoot them --- if there are any playing at the same time.

Change vehicles by landing on coloured cubes. White cubes are speed trials: Land on the start, then the finish, and you will get 1000 points if fast enough.

You refuel by going low enough: Landed or almost landed vehicles slowly refuel. The first vehicle is a biplane. Up accelerates, s lifts the nose to take off once you're going fast enough.

The second vehicle is a moon lander. Up accelerates upwards. Down accelerates forwards, left and right also work, home and pgup also.

Keys: a,s,d,w,q,e are steering.
Space shoots.
up (and also down, right and left in some vehicles) are acceleration.


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