Quantum Monte Carlo

This is my attempt to model various atoms and molecules in javascript. It starts simple and works up.

Hydrogen atom

This is really simple. Just pick random positions in 3-D space, and evaluate the wavefunction and the hamiltonian. Average over lots of positions, and that gives you an estimate for the energy of the atom. The wavefunction has parameters, and we do a gradient descent to find the parameters that give the lowest energy.

Hydrogen molecule

This is still quite simple. We have two nuclei now and two electrons. The thing which makes this easy is that we can assume that one electron is spin up and the other is spin down. That allows us to ignore spin and exchange symmetries (although the wavefunctions we search for should be symmetric with respect to swapping the two electrons).

Other Articles:

The double slit and observers

A look at the double slit experiment. The first half is meant to be a clear explanation, using simulations. The second half discusses some of the philosophy / interpretations of quantum mecahnics.


My latest (early 2018) thing is just a "normal" game: no real physics. It's just a game.

Generating Plant-like Structures Using Neural Networks

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