Maths Exam

1. Simplify 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \left(5(-5) + 3\times1\right)2(-5)(-2) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -440$$ or -440.000

2. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{{\left(-2 + 5\right)}^{2}}{\frac{6}{3} + \frac{1}{-5}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ 5$$ or 5.00000

3. Fractions 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{-4}{5} + \frac{1}{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-3}{10}$$ or -0.30000000000000004

4. Fractions 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \frac{\frac{1}{6}}{\frac{-3}{4}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{-2}{9}$$ or -0.2222222222222222

5. Significant figures

1. Write the following to 5 significant figures: 9727.2369
Correct Answer
9727.2 or $$9.7272\times10^{3}$$
2. Write the following to 4 significant figures: 209.19818
Correct Answer
209.2 or $$2.092\times10^{2}$$

6. Standard Form

1. Write the following in standard form to 4 significant digits: 428.081
Correct Answer
2. Write the following in standard form to 4 significant digits: 0.0683346
Correct Answer

7. Significant figures

1. Write the following in preferred standard form to 4 significant digits: 0.00374735
Correct Answer
2. Write the following in preferred standard form to 3 significant digits: 0.00000018021
Correct Answer

8. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ 2\left(-3 - -2\right)\frac{{3}^{1}}{{(-2)}^{3}} $$
Correct Answer
$$ \frac{3}{4}$$ or 0.750000

9. Simplify 1

Simplify the following expression: $$ \left(-3 + 5\right)\left(-1 - 6\right) - {\left(-1 + 3\right)}^{2} $$
Correct Answer
$$ -18$$ or -18.0000

10. Simplify 2

Simplify the following expression: $$ \left(3 + -2\right)\left(1 - -1\right) - 2\left(2 - -1\right) $$
Correct Answer
$$ -4$$ or -4.00000

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